Assassin's Creed - Trailer 2

Enquanto esperamos e não esperamos pelo primeiro filme produzido pela Ubisoft, de uma das franquias mais adoradas, chega-nos um novo trailer para adoçar um pouquinho mais. Apenas tenho a criticar a escolha musical, que está um pouco estranha desde o primeiro trailer.

Career criminal Callum Lynch is rescued from his own execution by Abstergo Industries, the modern-day incarnation of the Templar Order. He is forced to participate in the Animus Project and relive the memories of his ancestor Aguilar de Nerha, an Assassin during the Spanish Inquisition. As Lynch continues to experience Aguilar's memories, he begins to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to confront the Templars—age-old enemies of the Assassins—in the present day.
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